Episode 63
#63 - Young Jane Young by Gabrielle Zevin (w/ Dec 2018 Book News)
On our last podcast of the year, we catch up on the latest book news before diving into our discussion of the Books and Boba December 2018 book club pick, Young Jane Young, by Gabrielle Zevin, a story told from the perspectives of 5 women and the sexist scandal that connects their lives. It's a story about the way we treat people who get caught up in sex scandals, and the double standard of who society permits to survive them.
(For those interested in just the book news, the book discussion begins at around 16:00)
For additional thoughts and discussion on the monthly pick, visit the Books & Boba Goodreads forums.
This Month's Book Club Panelists:
- Reera Yoo (@reeraboo)
- Marvin Yueh (@marvinyueh)
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The Books & Boba January/February 2018 pick is Grace of Kings by Ken Liu
This podcast is part of Potluck: An Asian American Podcast Collective