Episode 103

#103 - #AsianBooksChallenge Week 4 Recap

We're a little late, but on this episode, we recap our book recommendations for the last week of May's #AsianBooksChallenge. Thanks to everyone who participated in our challenge and recommended books by Asian and Asian American authors!


Books & Boba recognizes that we are currently in a historic moment in American history. We know that Black lives matter and stand with the brave people fighting across the world for an end to systemic racism in our institutions as well as the death and inequality those systems cause. 

For a near-comprehensive list of resources on how you can support the fight, whether on the streets or from your home, click on this link (shoutout to Nico for putting it together)


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The Books & Boba June 2020 pick is Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata & translated by Ginny Tapley Takemori

This podcast is part of Potluck: An Asian American Podcast Collective

About the Podcast

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Books and Boba
A book club podcast for books by Asian Diaspora authors